To help newer and older generations thrive
through valuable conversations
Table Wisdom is a social enterprise that brings younger English Language Learners (ELLs) and American professionals together for conversational English and professional mentoring sessions. Its a Encore Prize National Finalist and Award Recipient and a national partner for Generation to Generation.
We are dedicated to enhancing the lives of our students and mentors by creating connections and revolutionizing education. One table at a time.
At Table Wisdom, we know that each of us has something unique to give. We match mature adults who have native English language ability or fluency with ELLs for mutually beneficial conversations, combining professional mentoring with language learning and friendship in ways that change lives.
Evaluated by St. Louis University, our education model has proven effective on both sides of the table.

For ELLs, having a personal American professional mentor and better English mean better lives. From higher paying jobs and superior grades in school to meeting new friends, conversations with mentors build confidence and fluency in ways typical classroom learning cannot.
And for mature adults, being a Table Wisdom mentor is about being valued and discovering a renewed sense of purpose. Several studies have shown that mentoring improves health and helps reduce depression by ending social isolation and loneliness.
Join us as we revolutionize education, social engagement, and cultural awareness.
We’ve got a seat at the table waiting just for you!

Rey Castuciano, Founder & CEO
Rey Castuciano, a Filipino immigrant and his Dad's caregiver, founded Table Wisdom in late 2014 after spending most of his career in a Fortune 500 biotech firm.
When his father suffered a stroke a few years ago, necessitating a long nursing-home stay, Rey spent a lot of time in the facility. He noticed that while other residents had a lot to offer, they often suffered from loneliness and social isolation.
Around the same time, he also became aware of a program where American seniors helped Brazilian students improve their English through Skype sessions. And that’s when it hit him. "We have a lot of immigrants who want to practice conversational English, and we have a large aging population. Why not marry the two and create opportunity for both groups?" Thus, Table Wisdom was born.
Rey earned a BS from UCLA and an MBA from University of Southern California. He received additional training on social entrepreneurship from Washington University in St. Louis Skandalaris Center and the Brown School of Social Work. The program is an Award recipient and National Finalist for The Encore Prize, won an award from the Washington University in St. Louis Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Competition and a national partner for Generation to Generation. He was nominated for the National Mentoring Partnership's (MENTOR) Excellence in Mentoring Award and the Visionary Award Leading Age - Missouri. His work had been on the #1 Wall Street Journal Book on Aging Well, 'How to Live Forever,' New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNN Health and other media outlets. He is a Public Voices Fellow of The OpEd Project and a Care Fellow of Caring Across Generation.
Pete Peters
Gateway Venture Mentoring Services
Harvey Gershenson
Lead Mentor
Gateway Venture Mentoring Services
Sam Hopmeier
Lead Mentor
Gateway Venture Mentoring Services
Joseph Jordan
Gateway Venture Mentoring Services
Alice Layton
Startup Lab,
Washington University in St. Louis
Mary Brice
Gateway Venture Mentoring Services
Have a question or want to learn more about Table Wisdom? Please feel free to send us a message,
and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!